Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blue volunteers of spring

I'm following the lead of Prairie Bluestem, who always posts such beautiful pictures of the area surrounding her home. These little blue flowers have escaped the bed in which they were planted years ago in our front yard and now make their appearance a little farther out in the yard each spring. Unfortunately I must mow them down soon.

Brilliant morning sunshine welcomed me streaming from my office door the other morning.

I love ironic juxtapositions like this picture of the Municipal Auditorium that I took the other day. On the left you have, "Acquire the Fire - Branded by God," and on the right you have, "My Chemical Romance." I wonder how well the fans for these disparate events would mix.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Springtime maliase

Something about the beginning of spring usually finds me in a funk.

Why is that?

I know there are lots of things I should be doing - like landscaping, transplanting azaleas, planting dogwoods and redbuds and sealing my deck.

Then there are the inside jobs - straightening up my garage, building shelves, cabinets and a workbench.

And then there are taxes. Ugh!

Outside Nature is putting on Her best show of the year,

and inside I'm stewing about this stupid little job that must be done every year.

Every year I find a million excuses to not get started on taxes.

I discover boxes of old photographs I've had for decades,

I find songs I need to learn,

I find TV shows I must watch,

and places I must visit.

I absolutely dread taxes.

But when they're done,

as they always are,

the huge weight is lifted from my shoulders,

and I can get on with my life
and enjoy the coming of spring.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Old pictures

Last night I scanned a few old pictures from my childhood.

Here I am in 1950 at age four squinting in the bright sunshine reflecting from newly-fallen snow.

Here I am at seven years of age in the summer of 1953 with a box of Boston Terrier puppies that our dog Penny had.

In 1954 at age 8 with my sister Mary on Skyline Drive, which was an afternoon's drive from home outside of Washington, DC.

Easter, age 8 (1954) with my Granddad Bill (dad's father), his wife Edna (my dad's mom died in 1933), my mom, sister and of course our Boston Terrier Penny.

I was pulling my sister on a sled in the winter of 1954.

Here I am 1959 at age 13, the completely gawky nerd that I was then when dressed up for church.

But here I am at the same age looking much cooler.

At age 14 with my sister and dad after a big snow.

I was still pretty gawky by age 16. Here I am at Easter 1962 in the company of my Aunt Mildred, my mom, my mother's mother and my sister.

Monday, March 12, 2007

A twinge of sadness

XM just played "Dressed up Like Nebraska," by Josh Rouse.

My second wife Nancy got that album for me,
maybe in 2000,
but I didn't care for it,
so she returned it.
She contracted leukemia in the spring of 2002
just as spring was waking up the flowers
and died in the spring of 2003
just as her last spring was waking up the flowers.
Hearing that song just now gave me a twinge of sadness.

It's a Monday

It's a Monday, for sure.
Daylight Savings Time change meant less sleep than usual.

Wifie is on her way to spend the week with a good friend in Memphis.
It's a beautiful day in Nashville,
and I have absolutely nothing to do.

Well, I do have some projects to work on,
but none of them are "critical,"
and everyone else in the building is doing other things.

So I'm cruisin on a Monday morning,
listening to XM Satellite Radio on the computer,
hoping wifie is having an enjoyable and safe trip,
looking forward to Jazzercise tonight,

knowing I have to learn some songs this week
and knowing I'll have my cat Roger to keep me company.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Nashville Lawn & Garden Show

The day was initially warm and windy, sunny and bright with puffy white clouds chasing across the blue sky. It became increasingly cold and grey as the afternoon wore on, and by late afternoon we saw snow flurries.

We drove down to the Nashville Fairgrounds and visited the Nashville Lawn & Garden Show, where I took these pictures:

This one ended up looking pretty funny, although when I took it I did not notice the man sitting behind it. It looks like he's sitting in the fountain.

The animal rescue people were there.

We saw a beautiful collection of flower arrangements, complete with lighting to show them off.

A most unusual vase!

Another unusual vase.